Nutrition is essential to good health. This service delivers nutritious meals to the homes of older persons who, for whatever reason, cannot prepare meals on their own. A home delivered meal may be on-going or used for a short time while recovering from an illness or injury. It meets nutrition guidelines for older adults and may be modified to meet dietary restrictions with a doctor’s prescription.
Meals are delivered on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays except on holidays and in inclement weather. Microwaves can be used to heat meals as needed.
In addition, the meal delivery provides an opportunity for three times weekly wellness check-ins by a trained, friendly volunteer or staff member, bringing a smile to the senior and peace-of-mind to their family. All delivery staff and volunteers are screened and must pass a Criminal Background Check.
This service is funded in part by a suggested weekly donation.
To inquire about the meals, the first step is to call the Allegheny County Area Agency on Aging Senior Line to determine eligibility at 412-350-5460.
Volunteers are always needed to assist with delivery and wellness checks.
View the monthly lunch calendar: