CORONAVIRUS UPDATE 10/1/2020: The programs of Eastern Area Adult Services are currently operating on a regular schedule with the exception of the Senior Centers which are closed until further notice. Meals on Wheels consumers have been notified of the temporarily revised meal delivery schedule. Be aware that our status may change. We will communicate any changes here as well as directly to those who utilize our services. Email [email protected] with any questions.
Free Flu Shot Clinics 2020
2020 Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program
2020 Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program
The annual Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program (SFMNP) is available to eligible residents of Allegheny County. Eligible individuals may receive one set of checks worth $24 to be spent at participating farmers markets.
The 2020 Senior Farmers Market Program will look different this year due to COVID-19. The distribution of checks will not occur at senior centers. Instead, checks will be distributed by mail to eligible Allegheny County residents that complete an application. Applications may be downloaded from the website: Applications may also be requested by emailing [email protected] or by calling (412) 350-4219. Only completed applications received by September 24, 2020 will be processed.
Completed applications may be emailed to: [email protected]
Mail completed paper applications to:
Area Agency on Aging, Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program
2100 Wharton Street, 2nd Floor
Pittsburgh, PA 15203
Check distribution begins on Tuesday, June 16th. Checks are distributed on a first come, first served basis, no exceptions.
The checks may be used through November 30th to purchase produce that is grown in Pennsylvania or purchased directly from a Pennsylvania farmer. Examples of Pennsylvania produce are apples, beans, berries, carrots, grapes, melons, spinach and tomatoes. Consumers must spend the entire $6.00 check; change will not be given. Lost or stolen checks will not be replaced.
*Allegheny County resident
*60 years of age or older (by December 31, 2020)
*Meet the income guidelines (self-reported):
-One-person household: At or below $23,606
-Two-person household: At or below $31,894* (Married couples may each receive one set of checks)
Older adults living in a residential facility that provides meals are not eligible to receive checks
Home Care Heroes
We were very lucky to have been provided with generous donations of masks from Sewing for Angels of Pittsburgh, MaskMakers of Pittsburgh, and Global Links to make our Home Care Aides a little more at ease while caring for our consumers. We were also able to provide masks to our most vulnerable service recipients. Thank you to these wonderful organizations for your efforts in helping to keep our employees and consumers safe!
Here are a few more of our “Masked Marvels”. Thank you to all of our employees who are true heroes!
Meals on Wheels – Masked Marvels
We are so grateful for our many employees who are continuing to provide services to our consumers during this challenging time! Here are just a few…..